We have established a prominent position in the market for providing Fractionation Plant that is the best technology for number of different applications. It is widely demanded as the oil is filtered by the force of gravity and high quality pumps. Being a continuous flow process , there is no need to reheat or store the oil for long periods of time. The recovery of olein is better as sandy crystals are formed in a drafted strength control and minimize the entrainment of olein into the stearine part. We provide this Fractionation Plant at market leading costs with various easy payment options.
Flow Sheet For Dry Fractionation Plant :
Sr. No. | ITEM No. | Description | Sr. No. | ITEM No. | Description |
1 | T-700 | BLEACHED OIL TANK | 7 | T-802 | DEWAXED OIL TANK |
2 | P-801 | CHARGING PUMP | 8 | P-802 | PRECOAT PUMP |
3 | CR-803 | CRYSTALISERS (a,b,c ) | 9 | T-803 | PRECOAT TANK |
4 | E-801 | OIL HEATER (PHE) | 10 | P-804 | WATER PUMP ( 1,2 ) |
5 | PF-1 | FILTER PRESS ( 1 ) | 11 | P-801 | WATER TANK |
6 | P-803 | FILTERED PUMP ( 1,2 ) | 12 | WCU | WATER CHILLING UNIT |